
How to Clean a Mac Screen Without Streaks 2022


How to Clean a Mac Screen Without Streaks 2022? Want to clean your Mac screen but are afraid of damaging it? There’re always greasy fingerprints if you usually touch the computer screen with your fingers, whether trying to show something to a friend or because you felt it while trying to open it. You don’t notice much when it’s on, but when it’s off, they’re very annoying, especially against the light.

If you want to remove them altogether but are afraid of damaging your computer, we will tell you how to clean both desktop and laptop Mac screens in today’s article. Aside from the iMac or MacBook, costly computers, it isn’t lovely to have scratches on the net.

Although the aluminum unibody is durable, its screens are unfortunately not so! It can even self-harm by simply turning it off! Let alone what damage it can do to it if you don’t clean it properly using the wrong cloth or detergent. If you’re afraid of causing irreparable harm, we advise you to read the following.

What Do You Need for Proper Cleaning?

It would be best if you had cloth and a cleaner. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing irreparable damage. In short, just two things, but it’s essential to use the right ones.

The fabric should be microfiber. This material isn’t only delicate and scratch-resistant but also collects dust. So it can dry perfectly without leaving marks.

But when it comes to detergent, Apple recommends using a specific detergent in its manual. There’re tons of them for sale on sites like Amazon, but you don’t have to buy unique products to clean your MacBook or iMac screen.

You can prepare a homemade mixture of 3 parts water (75%) and 1 part grape vinegar (25%). It’s straightforward, and you probably have everything you need at home.

Alternatively, you can mix some water and lemon. You can also use pure water if you want to be picky. Also, if you want to disinfect, you still need alcohol.

How to Clean a Mac Screen Without Streaks 2022?

Cleaning your Mac screen depends on the iMac model. But with some exceptions, they’re all pretty similar. All you need to do to get a great result is equip yourself with the right tools and brush with patience.

You should be especially careful if you have a glass with Nanotexture, Apple’s new technology, as an option in its best-in-class products, namely the screen and Pro Display XDR of some iMacs. In this case, you should only use the cleaning cloth in the package.

How to Clean a Mac Screen
How to Clean a Mac Screen

iMac: Cleaning the Screen

The iMac is the perfect computer for work and play. With its screen, you can practically immerse yourself in an incredible level of movies, games, and multimedia entertainment. So the new model is excellent and has become perhaps the best iMac to buy this year.

Don’t know how to clean the iMac screen thoroughly? It’s easy, and we’ll explain it to you now. But when it gets dirty, it’s frustrating to look at smudges and fingerprints on such a bright screen. But before we get started, let’s say there is a severe difference depending on your computer model. You’ll need to use different products if your iMac has Nanotexture glass.

In any case, the first thing to do is to shut down your computer completely. Then unplug the power cord and any peripherals attached to the cable.

Take the microfiber cloth, spray some cleaner (purchased or prepared), and brush in circular motions. Make sure you go everywhere and finish by sliding the edges of the computer. If there’re streaks, go with the dry part of the cloth until it is scorched.

If the screen isn’t too dirty, only fingerprints and dust, you can also use a cloth. These cloths are perfect for cleaning the Mac screen and other surfaces without scratching or damaging them. But the fabric should be soft.

If your iMac has Nanotexture glass, using any cloth and detergent isn’t good. It is a particularly delicate screen that only needs to clean with a fabric you should find in your Mac’s box.

Don’t use others! If you have lost or damaged it, we recommend that you go to an Apple center where they can provide you with a replacement. If they’re particularly stubborn stains that don’t go away, you can use a solution of water and 70% isopropyl alcohol to dampen the cloth slightly.

How to Clean MacBook Pro and Air Screen?

The MacBook Air and Pro are excellent laptops for everything. Versatile, powerful, and comfortable, from school to work, office home.

To clean it, shut down the computer thoroughly and disconnect it from the power source and any USB-connected accessories. Maybe make sure you don’t put it into suspend mode. At this point, place it on a soft surface with the screen horizontal and the keyboard vertical. Take your microfiber cloth, sprinkle some of the solution you prepared (or a special cleaner you purchased) on it, and start cleaning the screen with rotating movements. Don’t go fast; above all, don’t press too hard even if the stains don’t come off. Instead, go over it a few times or dampen the cloth more.

After the cleaning is complete, you can wipe it with a dry piece or a new one to avoid leaving marks on the screen if the cloth is too wet. However, we recommend letting your Mac dry for a few minutes before turning it back on.

It will help if you read our article, How Do You Clean Your PC Screen Without Damaging It?

Update: 19.08.2022
I have been working as a professional editor-in-chief and content producer for more than nine years. I have been a Logo Designer / Video Editor and Photoshoper for 4-5 years. In addition, I make Game icons/button designs.

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